Basic Tutorial: How to handle wool for needle felting

If you've never worked with felting wool before, get comfortable with this short intro. Familiarize yourself with separating pieces of wool, feeling the textures, recognizing the direction of the fibers, and wrapping and layering wool.
Note: Tutorial videos are sped up and edited for easy watching. Take your time and enjoy!

Tip 1: Notice the wool's fibers

Take a close look at the wool's fibers. While the individual fibers might be squiggly, they tend to all go in the same direction. We can take advantage of this attribute, keeping it in mind while we work with the wool fiber to do needle felting.

In the background, five needle-felted critters, some bespectacled, eager as students watch a demonstration on a wood table. On the left half of the image, two mostly obscured hands hold a length of blue wool fiber about an inch and a half in thickness close enough to the camera to display the fiber details. On the right side of the image, an inlay shows the fibers in closer detail.